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Reloading Rifle Dies

Lee Case Length Gauge 222 Remington 90113

$16.00 incl GST

Lee Reloading Always Great Quality & Value

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Lee, Rifle Dies


brand: lee
equipment: caselengthguage


Lee Case Length Gauge 222 Remington

The simplest way to check the case and trim to the correct safe length is with a Lee Case Trimmer.

After a case has been loaded a few times, it will stretch beyond maximum length and must be trimmed. The Cutter and Lock Stud works for all calibers. You will need only one. The Case Length Gauge (Pilot) and Shell Holder must be ordered as Case Length Gauge and shell holder for each caliber.

Trim cases by hand or electrically. Can be used with an elecrtric drill to trim, chamfer and polish cases faster. Eliminates danger of long cases. Squares the mouth for more accurate bullet seating and exit.

Additional Information:

➼ Brand: Lee Precision
➼ Cartridge: 222 Remington
➼ MPN: 90113
➼ Country of Manufacturer: United States


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