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Reloading Powder Handling

Lee Deluxe Perfect Powder Measure #90699

$150.00 incl GST

Lee Reloading Always Great Quality & Value

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Powder Handling


brand: lee
equipment: powder measure


Lee Deluxe Perfect Powder Measure #90699

Lee Precision has been making affordable, high quality reloading equipment for over 50 years. The Lee Deluxe Perfect Powder Measure is no exception. This powder measure is a great value with excellent features. This powder measure features a high pressure die cast diamond-machined body. The precision-machined rotor drum is cast from brass, which is naturally antistatic and spark proof. A soft elastomer wiper strikes off the metering chamber rather than cut the powder. You’ll be surprised at how smoothly the rotor operates. More importantly, you will enjoy the most uniform of charges. Powder charge adjustment is accomplished with a true micrometer adjustable metering chamber. The metering chamber is aluminum with a black anodized finish. Features a crisp, permanent, laser engraved scale. The brass micrometer thimble is engraved with .01cc graduations and has a releasable detent lock. With most rifle powders each click is about a 1/10 of a grain, perfect for working up a load. To change out powder all a reloader has to do is rotate the hopper 1/4 turn to shut off powder flow and lift off the hopper. The Perfect Powder Measure also has an integral powder baffle and comes with a tapered drop tube to prevent powder bridging. One of the nicest features is the ability to use the Lee standard quick-change drums (product # 261-897). These low cost drums can be preset to your favorite charge and swapped out in seconds. Base shown not included. Available separately.

  • Rugged construction
  • Eliminates cut powder and jerky action
  • Easy to set and read micrometer metering chamber
  • Changing powder is fast and easy



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